FleetPRO – allow to manage corporate fleets processes with efficency, built into accounting processes, with a user friendly web interface accessible by mobile devices too.

MADEINROMA is an augmented reality app that was born for MadeInRoma event in Mercati Traianei from 13 May until 20 November 2016. Downloaded app, at Mercati Traianei in proximity of NEAR symbol on the posters, start the app and point your camera device for show augmented reality contents.

N360 is an app for a suggestive experience in a historic Mercati Traianei’s tank, where there is an amphorae gallery. You can use the app on both VR visor and smartphone.

Neape is a detection and cataloging system of buildings energy behaviour. It allows to transmit the Energy Performance Certificate, to check the Energy Performance Certificate into Energy Land Registry Regional Buildings by consumer.

System that allow to benefict Cultural Sites.
Realizzed a tridimensional virtual path for an innovative experience and implemented a «social» system for sharing this experience in real time.

- ISIDI is an intelligent video surveillance software system, based on neural networks, that are able to differentiate normal events by anomaly events in outdoor for each brightness condition.

- An integrated multiplatform software for the healt (with the collaboration of CNR ICAR, Engineering, Noema Life and others). Wellness app that allows to monitor and enhance the people’s life style, by referring to nutritional indicators, physical activity indicators and the quality of sleep indicators.
The app uses a reasoning engine for hintly that direct to a Mediterranean diet (recognized as the best diet to prevent cardiovascular diseases) and for enhancing physical activity and quality of sleep.

iSee is an online programmable service of intelligent video surveillance cloud-based accessible by pc, android and ios devices.
It was implemented with the collaboration of “Laboratorio di Visione Artificiale dell’Università” degli Studi di Sassari”, and its main target is give support to security in different contexts, such as working environment, transports, pubblic and private buildings,through implementation of the knowledge in image analysis methodology context.
iSee allows to detect complex situation with flexibility through a visual programming multiplatform. Futhermore system offers advanced characteristics such as motion tracking, abandoned/removed object detection, human/object recognition giving an automaized and centralized alert management with a particular attention to detect danger events.

In DAC (Distretto Areonautico Campano) context, implementation of a smart bay to optimize the aviation maintenance process(with Atitech and others).
Implemented software to trace aereo pieces with RFID technologie and to help to defect management.

- NESM-3G is an platform software for mobile app.
Virtual Manual Prototype for easing the aviation maintenance.

- iSafe is a software system for the security in working environment, that is able to detect danger events through a programmable graphic interface.

Realizzation of innovative drugs to treat particular cancer, with creation biobank network, namely buildings that preserve biological samples.
Realizzation of portal with «social» module(blog,wiki) that offers services for biobank network and implementation of a software to trace biological samples status.

Supervision and optimization system of energy consumption (Indra, Technapoli, Università di Napoli).
Realization of an expert system that receives data and control the actuators. Futhermore publish info on «social» portal and on Facebook.

Software Platform for the interaction human-machine in natural language.
Realization of search engine based on domain ontology.

- An open-source ecosystem software for the eletronic health (CNR ICAR, Engineering, Softlab ed altri).
- Realizzation of a software that receives and incorporates the data coming from medical sensors.